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Personal Computing One to one Tuitions

The key advantage with One to One training is that I can assess your ability and discuss with you which skills will give you the most benefits and focus on developing these skills.

Tuition is given in the following areas.

  • Set up a Google account – Android is owned by Google and an account will give you access to more useful features and benefits than any other internet account. A Google account is also highly recommended for Apple IOS devices.
  • Introduction to Gmail, Contacts and Calendar using Google and other Apps synchronised across all devices.
  • Password management and security
  • Worldwide communication – Communicate with Family and Friends for no cost, using Messaging, Voice and Video calling.
  • Secure online shopping – You can make huge savings in terms of money, time and effort by shopping online. I can teach you how to do this securely.
  • Photography – Smartphones take fantastic pictures and videos which you can save, edit and send and all at no cost. Pictures are a great way to keep in touch.
  • News and Entertainment – The internet gives you access to a huge amount of media, music, audio and entertainment,
  • Addresses, Maps, Navigation and Travel.
  • Personal Computer – An introduction to Windows and Microsoft Office, File Management, storage and synchronisation with Mobile Devices.